LAFFF Youth Short Film Competition
The YOUTH SHORTS PROGRAM is part of the Lambton Film and Food Festival. The program features the best locally produced short films (under 3 minutes) by teenagers. Films can be produced by a single student, a group, or a class collaboration. Filmmakers will be encouraged to attend their screening and introduce their film at a celebration. All entries will be vetted prior to the celebration.
The AWARDS EVENING is Thursday, May 23rd at 6 pm at the Kineto
There are awards and cash prizes for various categories!
The LaFFF committee, Optimists and Kiwanis will be hosting an informal pizza meal for all short film participants and parents at the Kineto after the Awards Evening.
Participants must be ages 13-19 within the elementary or secondary system.
Preference will be given to new films making their “debut” during the festival, although other films will be considered
Filmmakers will be encouraged to attend their screening on behalf of their film.
The categories for this Short Feature competition include but not limited to: comedy, drama, Franco Fier, animation, and Mino Bimaaddiziwin. Films can be entered in either French, English, Ojibway, or other language.
The winners in the various categories will be announced at the end of the evening on Thursday, May 23rd
Submissions are to be electronic including google account with google drive, DVD or Blu-ray
Submissions must be in by Friday May 17th, 2024
Email to:
You can also leave them in your school for pickup arranged with your teacher